05th - 07th July 2023

Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

Sponsorship Benefits

Sponsorship Benefits Platinum Sponsor Diamond Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor
INR 1 Cr INR 0.75 Cr INR 0.50 Cr INR 0.25 Cr
USD 122,000 USD 90,000 USD 61,000 USD 30,500
All Sessions X
Plenaries X X X
Collaterals X
Promotional Material X X
Host Business Meetings X
Slot in CEO Rountable 2 1 X X
Non Transferable invitation for CEO in CEO roundtable X X
Networking Dinner for CEOs (By Invitation only) 2 1 X X
Space to set up Investment Facilitation Cell at Conference Venue to address investor queries X X X
All physical promotional collaterals 
LOGO Visibility & Placement         
Recognition as Sponsor in high visibility areas at Summit X X X
Promotional collaterals- inc social media, onsite, programme, documents etc All Promotional Collaterals All Promotional Collaterals All Promotional Collaterals Selected communication collaterals 
All electronic communication, including e-brochures, e-Flyers  X
All promotional collaterals for Conference X
Company literature in Delegate Kit
Acknowledgement as a Sponsor on event website Home & Sponsor pages
All panels at Conference, including Main Entrance   X
Colour advertisement in Partner Booklet (artwork from Company) Centre Spread Sheet Full Page Half Page Half Page
Screening corporate video clip during session changeovers & intermissions 180 seconds 90 seconds 60 seconds X
Complimentary delegate invites  50 30 20 15
Special announcements thanking Company X
Colour-coded delegate badges for Company X
Reserved seating for Company delegates  X
Access to the VIP Lounge X X

* Applicable Taxes Extra
* Electricity charges for Raw Space extra as per Consumption
* Please Contact for more details : Mr Surender Rai, CII, 9350293635;


Platinum Partners
Diamond Partner
Gold Partner
Silver Partner
Supported By Oil & Gas PSUs
Strategic Insights Partner
B2B Meetings